DHUnplugged #277: China … Down and Out

Car companies are offering up 84 month payment plans – what a rip! China markets have plunged again and stocks in the materials sector are worse than they were at the lows of 2008/2009. All this and much more in this exciting and informative episode. See this week’s stock picks HERE Follow John C. Dvorak […]

DHUnplugged #276 – Is Polygamy Next?

With the recent Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage, we wonder what would be next. Also, earnings season is here and while it started with a bang, things are looking a bit more grim. Top news, rumors and a big plus as we answer questions from Twitter followers … See this week’s stock picks HERE […]

DHUnplugged #275: Deadly China Scooter Alert!

New rules in China re making scooters more dangerous than ever. Just back from a trip to China, Andrew discussed with John some of the highlights of the trip as well as what is going on with the Chinese economy. Presidential candidates, Greek drama and market moving news are all topics of this episode. Don’t […]

DHUnplugged #274: Sweaty Days Ahead

So, is global warming for real? Who knows, but we discuss this as well as other important news items. Markets, stock picks and some interesting facts that you need to know – all in this episode. (Of course we have some chicken news too!) See this week’s stock picks HERE Follow John C. Dvorak on […]

DHUnplugged #273: Dvorak Blows a Fuse

Russia is back to building its nuclear arsenal and the Pope weighs in on climate change. Markets are churning around awaiting some fresh news from the Fed – or maybe even Greece. See this week’s stock picks HERE Follow John C. Dvorak on Twitter Follow Andrew Horowitz on Twitter Podcast: Play in new window | […]

DHUnplugged #272: What We Will Forget in 20 Years

There is innovation happening all around us and at a breakneck pace. What will be disrupted over the next couple of decades that we need to watch? Markets look to be changing trend and what stocks will benefit, which will crap-out? See this week’s stock picks HERE Follow John C. Dvorak on Twitter Follow Andrew […]

DHUnplugged #271: When The Bad Actors Come Back to Play

When the bad actors come back to try to make nice – watchout. We look at the the recent awakening of Dick Fuld – former CEO of Lehman Brothers as well as some of the other bullcrap in today’s global markets. We also look at our weekly stock list and cull some of the oldies… […]

DHUnplugged #270: Tick-Tock – Time Is Running Out

There are so many headwinds facing stocks that there will need to be a major catalyst to move markets higher from these levels. Potential rate hikes, obscene debt levels, Greece, Iran – just to name a few issues that could derail this longtime bull market. Time may be running out ahead of the next election […]

DHUnplugged #269: HumDrum – What Is Lurking Around the Corner?

Markets are sticking tightly to a range. Each little drop is met with buy…But something is lurking around the corner. We discuss some of the potential hazards in this market as well as the latest financial news you need to know. China is stealing our tech data, Google is getting into the agricultural business and […]

DHUnplugged #268: It’s All About That Rate, ‘Bout That Rate

Bond yields have been soaring around the world as smarter investors look at some of the ridiculous negative yields that have been forced by the ECB and Japan. We look why equities are in for some trouble if this trend continues. Some of the important news items are also discussed including the Verizon/AOL deal. Listen […]