Audio: Dvorak/Horowitz Unplugged #4

Here is the fourth conversation I had with John C. Dvorak. This was recorded immediately after the vote on the Senate Bail-Out Bill… new insights for anyone who invests in anything. What to do? This chat is not produced and presented as-is for anyone who wants to listen in.


We cover the pork in the Senate version and the new Wall Street Journal website. Now, in their infinite wisdom, the Senate has added about 350 pages.


The Text of the new package adds such pork-barrel and earmarks like: Continue reading…


Audio: Dvorak/Horowitz Unplugged #3

From John C. Dvorak’s site:

Here is the third conversation I had with stock picker Andrew Horowitz about the post WAMU/debate market and where it is headed. What to do? This chat is not produced and presented as-is for anyone who wants to listen in.

Click HERE to listen in….

Audio: Dvorak/Horowitz Unplugged #2

Andrew recently had a little chat with John C. Dvorak, which John recently posted on his site.

“Here is the second conversation I had with superstar stock picker Andrew Horowitz about today’s weird stock market. Horowitz runs the Disciplined Investor website. There are a couple of interesting stock tips in this discussion. This chat is not produced and presented as-is for anyone who wants to listen in.”

You can listen or download the discussion below:


Audio: Dvorak/Horowitz Unplugged #1

Here is a conversation I had with John C. Dvorak about today’s weird stock market. “Horowitz runs the Disciplined Investor website and is one of the few personal money managers who I respect,” said Dvorak.

We are going to do some podcasts together for investors who want to think for themselves. But more importantly we will be deconstructing the various investment sites.

This chat is not produced and presented as-is for anyone who wants to listen in.


Audio: Dvorak/Horowitz Unplugged #11

Dvorak-Horowitz on the Stock Market and Bernie Madoff Swindle Part 2. Horrible New Twist.

Here is the 11th conversation I had with John C. Dvorak…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. What to do? This chat is not produced and is presented as-is for anyone who wants to listen in. We discuss Bernie Madoff among other topics.

(Click the image above for the RSS feed for the series)

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