show notes

DHUnplugged #711: So Many Fails

DJIA – FAILED – worst week in ages Huge Failure of tech – Crowdstrike getting skewered (Down ~ 30% since incident) Dangerous market – running on emotions Tesla Earnings are out… PLUS we are now on Spotify and Amazon Music/Podcasts! Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:03:53 — 58.8MB)Subscribe: RSS

DHUnplugged #710: All-In Market

Market Rotation continues – “Trump” stocks got boost after weekend (Biden stocks took a hit) Risk On – Risk Off is the play (Fundamentals are not being  considered at the moment) KRI Indicator – Doing something not done since June 2020 Earnings growth expected to continue…. PLUS we are now on Spotify and Amazon Music/Podcasts! […]

DHUnplugged #709: Blubber Gorging

Shark Week (Market Style) – Whale Gorging – Big Teeth – Big Appetites Earnings season coming up Biden staying in the race (for now) Complacency nearing a tipping point. PLUS we are now on Spotify and Amazon Music/Podcasts! Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:01:24 — 56.5MB)Subscribe: RSS

DHUnplugged #708: Let Them Eat Tech!

Let them eat tech! Meme stock mania may be dying down Short week – July 3rd 1/2 day, July 4 – closed – July 5? How About those Florida Panthers? PLUS we are now on Spotify and Amazon Music/Podcasts! Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 59:16 — 54.6MB)Subscribe: RSS

DHUnplugged #706: Beanstalk Market

Apple AI – Disappoints (or confuses) NVDA – passes AAPL market cap Treasury yields moving within a range Beanstalk – what is that story again? PLUS we are now on Spotify and Amazon Music/Podcasts! Podcast: Play in new window | Download (56.1MB)Subscribe: RSS

DHunplugged #705: Sinkholes Forming

Sinkholes forming Memes again – Huge Moves Economy starting to stall Face Ripper moves into the close PLUS we are now on Spotify and Amazon Music/Podcasts! Podcast: Play in new window | Download (53.4MB)Subscribe: RSS

DHUnplugged #704: The Miracle Flight

Short Week – 4 days of trading – then EOM The Miracle Flight – I have witnesses this with my own eyes Cruise anyone? Global Warming – New Info In PLUS we are now on Spotify and Amazon Music/Podcasts! Podcast: Play in new window | Download (53.1MB)Subscribe: RSS

DHUnplugged #703: Euphoric

Big Week – Big Earnings on Wednesday Oil Unusually stable Helicopter Accident – Another “fog” incident? Meme stocks come back to earth PLUS we are now on Spotify and Amazon Music/Podcasts! Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:02:01 — 57.1MB)Subscribe: RSS

DHUnplugged #702: Inflation Nation

Emerging markets breaking out of long consolidation PPI HOT – Market does not care A Meme stock face ripper! PLUS we are now on Spotify and Amazon Music/Podcasts! Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:05:25 — 60.2MB)Subscribe: RSS

DHUnplugged #701: Sentiment Pulse

Earnings season – better and stats – BIGGEST BUYBACK EVER – We are gauging investor sentiment — Remember – Confidence  and Sentiment (Cheer-leading helps) PLUS we are now on Spotify and Amazon Music/Podcasts! Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:05:28 — 60.2MB)Subscribe: RSS