show notes

DHUnplugged #302: Take a Ride on the Titanic II?

CDS – Credit Defaults Swaps blowing out in Europe as negative deposit rates are having a terrible impact. Tech stocks blowing up as earnings and outlook are really concerning investors. Oil continues to get hammered and now below $30 per barrel – even with the rumors flying around that there will be a special/emergency meeting […]

DHUnplugged #300: The DHFed…Giving Away Money!

Market comeback? Short-squeeze ahead of the Fed? Oil hitting bottom? Not so fast… Apple’s (AAPL) earnings, facts about Oil and the million dollar Oprah Tweet – Just a few of  the important discussion points from this episode – and much more. The big question is: Will this end up being the worst January for market […]

DHUnplugged #299: Blood In The Streets

There has been no let up of the selling pressure. Even with an overnight pop, stocks lost most of their luster as the correction continues. Earnings season is now in full swing and even as we see some decent beats, that is not helping. Banks are expecting big losses on energy related debt and few […]

DHUnplugged #298: 2008 Part II ?

It was a historic week on Wall Street. 2016 started with a nasty blow to markets. Investors liquidated as they ran for cover and headlines are painting a bleak picture. Earnings season, China, crude and the major news that will move markets are all discussed. We also confirm our car sales theory with data that […]

DHUnplugged #296: Market In a Funk Over Junk

The countdown until the Fed rate decision is getting down to the last few hours. Markets seem “prepared” for a hike and then some very dovish commentary to follow. Will this cause the U.S. dollar to rally or will we see an unwind of risk assets? On the table for discussion is the recent and […]

DHUnplugged #295: Central Bankers GONE WILD

It has been a wild ride for currency markets. Central banks may have actually gone too far and markets are starting to see notable price movements. Last week may have been the tip of the iceberg. We also discuss some of the important news of the week as well as the market outlook. See this […]

DHUnplugged #294: Santa or Grinch Markets?

The end of the year is just weeks away and there is plenty of news that will shape markets. Seasonally, this is a bullish time, but we discuss some of the potential headwinds that may hinder further upside. China’s currency was approved by the IMF in the global Special Drawing Rights basket – what implications […]

DHUnplugged #293: Facebook (FB) Exploiting Your Misery

It will be a holiday shortened week, long on news. The recent geopolitical reports have had little effect on markets as end of year programs are set to buy mode. Some interesting moves on a few stocks are discussed and what is really behind the new Facebook  Take-a-Break feature. See this week’s stock picks HERE […]

DHUnplugged #292: The “We-Are-Fearless” Rally

With terrorist acts in Paris, most would have thought that global markets would have seen selling. Not so! We take a look at what is behind the buying frenzy and the potential winners are losers. Japan is back in recession, copper prices are plunging and still no fear… BUY BUY BUY! If you are wondering […]

DHUnplugged #291: Wake Up – The Fed Already Raised Rates

The Fed has already tightened simply by voicing the potential to tighten. The U.S. Dollar has surged and the Euro and Yen have tumbled. That in itself will create tighter economic conditions for the U.S. markets. Short sellers beware: The SEC wants to know more about your activity. Plus we take a look into the […]